Tara Mounsey, ANP-BC stands holding two medals.

Q&A with Tara Mounsey, ANP-BC, Medical Coordinator, Boston Celtics

June 16, 2022

Tara Mounsey, ANP-BC is the Medical Coordinator, Boston Celtics and an Orthopedic Practitioner at New England Baptist Hospital (NEBH).

How long have you been at NEBH/BILH? And how long have you been on the Celtics medical team?

Tara Mounsey, ANP-BC (TM): I have worked at NEBH for 17 years. I have worked with the Celtics for 10 years.

Treating some the highest profile athletes in one of the biggest sports cities is a role that comes with great responsibilities, but also can be extremely rewarding. Can you describe some of the best and some of the most difficult aspects of the job?

TM: I love seeing the look every day patients' faces when they turn the corner only to see a 6'10' basketball player coming towards them.

The challenging part of the role is that many requests are urgent.

Do you develop a bond with any team members or coaches? Do you keep in touch with any former Celtic players?

TM: I have a rapport with the players that have been on the team for more than one season.

Would you consider yourself a fan of the team? Or do you look at your role strictly in a professional sense?

TM: I am certainly a fan of the team. I get to interact with some of the players on a professional level which makes even more fun to cheer them on.

What might the average fan watching from home be interested to learn about the medical staff during games?

TM: We are watching the game from a different perspective. We tend to be more focused on the landing of the dunk rather than the dunk itself.

What life experience(s) have prepared you for your role at NEBH and with the Boston Celtics specifically?

TM: Having played a sport in two winter Olympics, I respect these athletes and understand what it takes to play at the elite level [Mounsey was a two-time Olympian with the U.S. women's hockey team, winning gold and silver medals]. I love being able to have a career in medicine and continue to be in contact with high level athletes.

What would be your message to young people who aspire to work in medicine?

TM: Get involved as soon as you are interested in the field. Seek out a volunteer or internship in a medical setting in high school or college.